
New Zealand authorities confirm probe into safety of milk powder reportedly sold in China

 New Zealand's agriculture regulator confirmed Tuesday that it was investigating the safety of a brand of infant milk powder that is reportedly being exported to China and being promoted on the trade website, Alibaba.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) issued a statement from Geoff Allen, MAF compliance and enforcement director on Heitiki infant formula, saying MAF had begun an investigation into Kiaora New Zealand International, which was " alleged to be selling and exporting Heitiki infant formula."
"MAF's investigation is firstly focusing on any food safety ramifications associated with Heitiki infant formula, and will react accordingly if any food safety issues are identified," said Allen in the statement.
"MAF will also examine other possible breaches of requirements such as labeling, advertising and claims, and where breaches are identified we will respond," he said.
"Where any apparent breaches are identified of other legislation such as the Fair Trading Act, MAF will refer the matter to the appropriate authority."
The New Zealand Press Association (NZPA) reported Monday that Auckland-based Kiaora was apparently sending New Zealand-branded infant formula to China.
The company, whose sole director was Tianxi Shao, said on its website that it specialized in quality infant and dairy products, according to the NZPA report.
The website was "down for maintenance" Tuesday, but a search by Xinhua showed the Heitiki brand milk powder was still being promoted on business-to-business website Alibaba, with inquiries directed to a "Mr Sean Xu."
The tin in the site's photo is stamped "Follow-on Formula: From 6-12 months."
Heitiki tins are clearly branded as being from New Zealand, featuring a Maori woman on the label.
The promotion on the Alibaba site says the milk powder is shipped through "Yantian Port," adding: "Kiaora Heitiki Milkpowder from New Zealand, natural for super gene, rigorous production guarantee a perfect quality."
It goes on: "An excellent brand from New Zealand, produced by the purest, and most precious cows and their milk-- KIAORA HEITIKI Milk powder.
According to MAF, exporters of infant formula must be registered and manufacturers of formula in New Zealand must meet other requirements.
Kiaora was not on MAF's list of registered dairy exporters, the NZPA report said.
Maori Party co-leader and Member of Parliament Tariana Turia has led calls for an investigation into the company after being initially alarmed at the association of food with a Maori cultural icon - "heitiki" is Maori carved jewellery. Further investigation showed the company had questions regarding food safety and compliance with consumer standards, Turia told NZPA.
The New Zealand Food and Grocery Council Monday has also called for a full investigation of the company by regulators.
Chief executive Katherine Rich issued a statement Monday, saying the council was skeptical of the company's website claims when it was not sold on New Zealand shelves.
Rich said the council would highlight some of Kiaora's claims, such as the company saying it was "dedicated to sourcing and providing Kiwi mums with the best and healthiest infant formula available", that "many NZ parents are using Kiaora infant formula" and that its products "have become the new standard in New Zealand ".
"This is a complete surprise to our members. It's hard to fathom how Heitiki is the 'new standard' when scan data shows New Zealand and Australian supermarkets do not sell the product at all. "
Heitiki prices - with some tins up to 169 NZ dollars (138 U.S. dollars) - were exorbitant when compared to similar products available in New Zealand supermarkets ranging in price from 18 to 25 NZ dollars a tin, she said.

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