
Deadly E. coli outbreak is unlikely to strike in Australia

 Australia's peak vegetables group Ausveg said on Monday that the outbreak of E. coli is unlikely to strike Australia.
A farm in northern Germany was closed, the test showed that bean sprouts are grown in the country, the outbreak of the deadly, according to reports, more than 1,700 in 12 European countries may lead to infections, with at least 19 people were killed.
According to William from Ausveg Churchill, Australia does not import from Europe, bean sprouts and other vegetables.
"In Australia, we have to get the highest quality assurance program some of the most rigorous program, you'll see around the whole earth," he said in a statement.
"In this country a very rare disease of E. coli breakthrough in the classification, because we have already appeared in Europe, the death cases, it would not happen in this country."
Australian Medical Association (AMA) President Dr. Steve Hamilton, the European authorities said the number of people infected with E. coli began to decline.
Australian Federal Department of Health said it has asked the general practice throughout the country and in Europe for about the outbreak of infection on the alert.

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