A recent study found no evidence that ovarian cancer screening can reduce the risk of death due to disease, which is reported on Sunday.
Screening, however, does add an unnecessary invasive procedure possible, according to researchers at the University of Utah.
The researchers presented the Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, the ongoing meeting, they found that the Los Angeles Times said.
The researchers studied 78,216 women, ages 55 to 74, who is in the United States National Cancer Institute, prostate, lung, colorectal and ovarian cancer screening trial participants in the meeting. Half of the women accept their OB - gyns for routine care, and received a CA 125 half, six and four years each ultrasound screening every year. Then they were followed up for 12 years.
The researchers observed that 176 screening group and the normal care group of 212 ovarian cancer. 118 normal ovarian cancer screening group of 100 deaths and care group. The difference was not statistically significant. Overall, 2924 people died of various causes in the screened group and 2914 normal care group.
But the researchers also noted that 3285 women from the screening false-positive diagnosis. Of these, 1080 underwent surgery, including a oophorectomy (removal of one or both ovaries). Fifteen percent of those who had surgery as a result of the development is a major complication. Overall, 1,771 screening group (7.7 percent) women had an oophorectomy, and in the normal group (5.8 percent) 1,304.
"We conclude that the annual inspection of ovarian cancer ... there is no reduction in disease-specific ovarian cancer in women at average risk of death, but will increase the invasive medical procedures and related hazards," the researchers said the study.
During the meeting also raised new data show that the widely used cancer drug Avastin can improve the treatment of ovarian cancer, the Times said.
About 21,880 American women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, each year 13,850 die of the disease, according to the American Cancer Society. Because it will produce some symptoms of the disease is usually not diagnosed until it has become advanced and spread throughout the body. Therefore, the five-year survival rate of only about thirty percent, and the disease is one of the five most deadly cancer for women. Can be found at an earlier stage, it may be more likely to be cured, therefore, in theory, increase the survival rate of cancer.
These tests detect the most common ovarian cancer include transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests to find the tumor mass, the so-called tumor marker CA 125 levels increased screen.
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