
Disappointed with the International Energy Agency, OPEC's oil supply increase does not agree

in the industrialized world's energy watchdog International Energy Agency (IEA) is disappointed that OPEC member countries failed to reach the same large increase in oil supplies, the main oil-producing countries called for To help alleviate the tight market, according to a statement released Wednesday in Paris of the body. "We are disappointed to OPEC members (ie, OPEC) agreed on the need today is not to make more oil available to the market that " the International Energy Agency said in a statement. OPEC meeting in Vienna failed to reach an agreement to increase oil production, resulting in current production quotas unchanged. "Continuing on a competitive basis in the supply, and will allow refiners to increase throughput and rapid growth to meet the growing demand for seasonal supply...

Work in many areas should be free from HIV / AIDS World: Mexico

Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, health minister of Mexico, said here Wednesday that many sectors of society must be involved if the global fight against HIV/AIDS is to be successful. "This is not the time for complacency or review," he said. "This is the time to face AIDS from our domain name:. Governments, the scientific community, civil society and the United Nations system" Villalobos'statements to AIDS at the UN General Assembly high-level, time of the meeting from June 8-10, and a collection of world leaders and officials to discuss the global response to HIV / AIDS treatment direction. Statement of expected results from this meeting will provide in the fight against HIV / AIDS fight in the next five years, the direction of the Member States the national level. Villalobos said the...

The United Nations marked the fight against HIV and AIDS epidemic 30 years

Commemorate the 30 HIV and AIDS pandemic, the State Minister of State and Government Summit and the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, scoring podium place in their country on the list of achievements and challenges listed in the fighting. The General Assembly High-Level Conference on AIDS, 10 years after the United Nations on HIV / AIDS on the special session also marked the political declaration since, the United Nations is committed to achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, signed by five members of the Movement, care and support. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon recalled three years ago, the United Nations, the spread of AIDS, and a decade, "Today, we have the opportunity to end this epidemic once and for all." Now, not fear, there is hope, he said. "Today, HIV in...

NASA's Mars rover opportunity to "spirit points " of a large crater, the rover has been the long-term goal is trying to reach the last three years

NASA's Mars rover opportunity to "spirit points " of a large crater, the rover has been the long-term goal is trying to reach the last three years, jet propulsion laboratory side (JPL) said on Wednesday. Time has come to the crater, progressive, crawl out from the Victoria crater in August 2008. Have to drive 11 miles (18 km), car, about two miles (three kilometers) to go before reaching the edge of Endeavour, said in Pasadena, Los Angeles, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Rover team members last week selected as the opportunity on the edge of the crater Endeavour arrived at the scene in an informal name for the "spirit of the point. " Memorial's choice of vehicle pairs, the spirit, which has ended the communication and the completion of its mission. "Spirit has achieved far more than we...

High-level meeting at the United Nations Secretary-General on Wednesday quoted book AIDS

The following is quoted UN Secretary-General on Wednesday, the high-level book, AIDS Conference: He said: "The negative impact of the AIDS epidemic socio-economic progress, especially in developing countries, decided there is no time for complacency. "- New Monique Agnes Ohsan Bellepeau, Vice President of Mauritius. "In order to achieve the noble goal (the prevention and treatment of HIV / AIDS), for us, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, there is a need to improve the investment we have weak health systems. inadequate number of medical facilities, our major concern in many countries Problems. "- John Dramani Mahama, Vice President of Ghana. "Governments, civil society, private sector, research institutions, people living with HIV: We're all in this together. " - - Belgian Prime Minister...

Myanmar still faces deep challenges: UN Secretary-General

Myanmar continue to face similar challenges have been too long, the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement released here. "The country's human rights, political, social, economic and humanitarian issues are serious, deep-rooted, long-term," Ban said, this is the United Nations would like to see Myanmar successfully address these challenges. Earlier Wednesday, Ban Ki-moon held on Myanmar, as the new capital of Naypyidaw the Government set up the first meeting of the Friends Group. The Meeting noted that an important development recently held against the backdrop. According to the Secretary-General, "should allow all citizens to participate in the construction, in order to make their countries of Myanmar's future." Able to ensure broad support for any reform is...

Uruguay beat the Dutch football match penalty

Uruguay's World Cup semi-final revenge last year beat the Netherlands, because they beat the Netherlands on penalties in the 4-3 friendly on Wednesday after the regular 1-1. Uruguay striker Luis Suarez opened Liverpool are 8 minutes from time to time, but the Dutch formation time of one minute to pop Suarez's clubmate Kuyt added to the home. However, the Netherlands messed up in the penalty shootout, as Robin van Persie and Eljero Elia missed penalty sealed the victory and the host, Alvaro Pereira nothing wrong, so their victory. The victory gave Uruguay only three weeks to stimulate America's Cup from the start, and together they held in Argentina record of 14 victories. Uruguay will be completed with another friendly against the European minnows Estonia, 23 in Montevideo Copa preparation. Run...

Bay United earned an important reference

Poor finishing is Thanda Royal Zulu on the agenda, because they were forced to settle in Wednesday's first leg playoff opponent for a goalless draw against the United States Richards Bay Bay. Siyabonga Pera and Sandile Gumede is the principal host, but almost the entire team the opportunity to battle in the semifinals. Manchester United's chances are very few stadiums in Richards Bay, although they may be happy to come up with a clean sheet at home on Saturday ahead of the second station. A quick heavy rain before kick-off, but once the race got underway, the main Amabhubesi did not look worried. They began to be optimistic and ahead of schedule, and when Captain Peter Wadabwa Christopher Manoka weak to cross straight into the Modiri Marumo. U.S. goalkeeper was forced to dive forward...

Arabella in windy Walters good

This is the first time he Arabella golf course in the comprehensive competitiveness, and Justin Walters, like the darkness before the wind brought a halt to the veteran's golf tournament Vodacom Origins the first round on Wednesday. He is the four par for his round, completed 15 holes in, so he saw Christiaan Basson and Van den Heever who complete collection, began his round of a morning, more than two Ulrich Van den Berger advantage, who, like the Walters, there are still three holes, but did not report. "I am very pleased that it was known as a rest day," Walters said, "because it will give me a few holes in the final shot in the daytime, the wind may have so many." He began his first 10 rounds, and quickly got his bird and continuous work 11,12 and 13. "This course provides a hole, you...

Ma optimistic solution to the dispute over the ownership of Alipay

  Jack Ma, Alibaba Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said he was optimistic to solve more than one online payment service Alipay ownership dispute with the Yahoo deal. Early last month, Yahoo, Alibaba's biggest stakeholders, said, Alipay, Alibaba's online payment platform, has been transferred to the ownership of Chinese companies owned by Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma of Alibaba mostly without the knowledge or the board of directors or shareholders, Approval, also includes Japan's Softbank said Jack Ma of Alibaba, Yahoo and Softbank are informed of the transfer of ownership, which is to comply with licensing requirements in China, and the need to ensure that it is in China's permission. Alipay, China's leading e-commerce giant online payment service is one of the payment transaction...

Wenger signs of Finland defender

Finland defender 21 years of age: Kaerjinsen Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger to become Wedneday at the end of last season, his first signing from Charlton join one league. The 19-year-old defender, but in most times, you can also fill in the centreback Charlton he has to do with a team since his debut last year. "I hope the supporters will understand why I can not refuse such an opportunity, but Charlton will always have a place in my heart, and said:" Hutchinson, who supported Arsenal as a boy. "I will always be in Charlton's debt, for they have given me since childhood training. "I am very grateful to the club's Academy and all the coaches, so I am glad the two clubs have reached an agreement." Hutchinson will be at Arsenal a few new arrivals this summer, Wenger vowed after a sixth consecutive...

U.S. Treasury said Wednesday it will sell by tender six Small Business Administration (SBA) securities.

U.S. Treasury said Wednesday it will sell by tender six Small Business Administration (SBA) securities. The total price for those securities is estimated at about 75.3 million U.S. dollars. And the closing date for bid is expected to occur on or about June 20, the Treasury said in a statement. Those securities are comprised of the portion of loans guaranteed by SBA which finance a wide-range of small business needs, including working capital, machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures. The U.S. government originally invested in 31 SBA securities with a value of about 368 million U.S. dollars, comprised of 1,001 loans from 17 different industries, said the department. The government purchased the securities under the Troubled Asset Relief Program...

Europe needs diversified, low-carbon energy resources: the World Economic Forum

Europe needs to diversify energy resources, including nuclear energy, natural gas, clean coal and renewable energy, green economic development model to ensure that the World Economic Forum in Europe and Central Asia Government and business leaders Wednesday. Nuclear power will continue to be Europe's energy an important part of the structure, the judge said Barbara Honorary President of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. "Although some European countries changed Fukushima, such as Austria, Germany and Sweden game, others such as France and the UK with their nuclear program, " the judge said that nuclear energy is one of the few to meet the energy security, energy Independence and climate change need to reduce conflict. In response to this request, Andreas Nauen, Germany, the Chief...

New Zealand Reserve Bank to keep interest rates unchanged

New Zealand Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard on Thursday held the Official Cash Rate (OCR) unchanged at 2.5 percent, as expected.Announcing the Reserve Bank's latest interest rate decision, the central bank governor said the economy had improved over the last three months, boosted by continuing high export prices, and that firms were feeling more confident about hiring and investment.Despite this, he said, household spending was expected to remain weak for some time, weighed down by high levels of debt.As a result, pressures on underlying inflation remain constrained and only gradual rises were to be expected in the OCR over the coming two years.Bollard said economic activity has been significantly disrupted by the Feb. 22 6.3-magnitude Christchurch earthquake."However, while many firms...

Seventy-seven military personnel were taken to hospital after lightning struck a military training base in southern Mississippi

Seventy-seven military personnel were taken to hospital after lightning struck a military training base in southern Mississippi, according to media reports Wednesday. "Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center is the Air Force sent 77 young people in the medical evaluation of the local hospital Hattiesburg area," the U.S. military said in a statement. Reaction of soldiers to the hospital in stable condition, the statement read. As the nation's largest state-owned military training center, camp has been cut near the 哈蒂斯堡谢尔 Southern Mississippi than the rolling hills and pine forest, one hundred thirty-six thousand acres. It's functional design, such as the Iraq and Afghan soldiers look so realistic training simulation city. Tens of thousands of National Guard troops from across the country...

Hurricane Adrian threatens Mexico's Pacific coast

Tropical Storm Adrian in 2011 hurricane season's first storm, strengthening hurricane off Mexico's Pacific coast, the National Hurricane Center (NHC grass) said on Wednesday. Adrian are located in the resort city of Acapulco, Mexico, four hundred twenty-five km southwest of the National Hurricane Center in Miami said. Along the Mexican Pacific Ocean, 120 km per hour sustained winds moving northwest coast, forecasters said they did not expect the storm to make landfall. Mexican officials have issued a storm warning area along the coast northwest of Acapul...

cupertino ready to build the "spaceship"The new headquarters, which can accommodate 12,000 employees

Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced at the E3 trade show, the company intends to build a Cupertino, exactly like the "spaceship"in the new office building. It is said that this building will be the world's best office building office buildings, can carry up to 12,000 employees. Jobs said: "The new state office building like a landing spacecraft, office total of 4 layers, the overall appearance of the ring, covers an area of ​​150 acres. " Jobs said the new office buildings are used curved glass facade design, does not use a piece of plate glass, the company knows how to produce the world's largest architectural glass. Jobs said Apple has been expanding the size and growth development. Companies need a office building to accommodate 12,000 employees. He quickly answered the questions raised by city...

solar flare 2011:5 years, the outbreak of the strongest solar storms

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite observations to 5 years the most violent solar flare eruption, reached the earth can cause moderate geomagnetic storms affect satellite communications and power supply on the planet. According to Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite observations, in addition to a small radiation storms, but the sun broke out accompanied by a flare and a coronal mass ejections.  The National Weather Service Space Weather Prediction Center Program Coordinator, Bill. Muta Fu said: "This time is very dramatic explosion." He pointed out that medium-sized solar flares in the 6 Eastern Time 1:41 (Greenwich Mean time 5:41) peak. "We first observed the flare size is not large, in the subsequent eruption, we observed high-energy particle radiation and large-scale coronal...

Start the UN General Assembly high-level meeting to develop the future fight against AIDS

United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday launched on HIV / AIDS, which is expected to provide an opportunity to use the progress made and challenges faced by three days of high stock market level meetings in the past 30 years, shaping the future of AIDS prevention. High-level AIDS, which runs through June 10, the meeting is taking place 10 years after the historic 2001 United Nations HIV / AIDS special session, and the Political Declaration, where Members of the United States pledged to move towards universal access in 2006 signed to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. Some 30 heads of state, government leaders and Vice President will attend the high-level meeting, including the formal plenary sessions and five group discussions with 40 people outside the event, UN officials...

French label Iran's uranium enrichment further "provocative"

French Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that Iran's uranium enrichment activities are a further provocation and violation of international law. "This statement is a provocation. it strengthens the international community against the Iranian regime's intransigence and the old problems continue to violate international law, " Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valais Luo said. Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) chief Fereidoon Abbasi said on Wednesday Iran would triple its output of 20 percent enriched uranium. Abbas also said that Iran will soon install 164 new generation of Natanz and Fordo, the country's two nuclear centrifuge enrichment plant first chain, and added that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will be installed prior notice . French Foreign Ministry accused...

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