
The United Nations will continue to help countries affected by conflict, HIV / AIDS

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the United States 19 times, due to HIV / AIDS continues to have around the world, the United Nations organizations, including peace and security of its deadly effects, and would standing to help the treatment and prevention.

"When AIDS is part of the equation, the United Nations is trying to become part of the solution," he told the Security Council, held on HIV / AIDS epidemic on the impact of international peace and security in the meeting.

Council meeting in 2011 of AIDS before the days of high-level meeting, plans to start at United Nations Headquarters in New York. During the meeting, the Council adopted a new resolution reaffirming its commitment to combat the epidemic.

Ban Ki-moon said the Security Council on HIV / AIDS awareness of the importance of prevention to peacekeeping missions in 2000, the Council adopted resolution 1308.

"In 1308 passed a resolution in their risk of military and police personnel may endanger the civilian populations of view," he said. "Now we know, the United Nations troops and police for the prevention, treatment and care of the part."

More than 1,500 peacekeepers are now training for HIV / AIDS peer counselors, Ban said, pre-deployment training, HIV has become standard practice for the Blue Helmets.

Côte d'Ivoire, where the United Nations Operations in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) operation, with the highest level of HIV in West Africa. Ban Ki-moon said, UNOCI and other United Nations partners in the military and police through training in HIV, human rights and gender equality considerations.

"They also provide information on HIV in the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) technical support," he said. "Through our demobilization as part of HIV prevention activities, we can protect civilians from the HIV virus. We can reduce the discrimination, we can help people living with HIV should receive the care and treatment of ex-soldiers."

Ban Ki-moon said the head of peacekeeping force has been deployed, where they defeated the countries around the HIV / AIDS, the stigma of the great creation. He pointed out that in the peacekeeping force in East Timor and Lebanon, leaders and many of them voluntary HIV testing as an example to those who are still worried about the disease openly discussed.

"Commitment to start at the top," he said. "I raised the issue directly with world leaders. I have the same top aide to AIDS prevention and control of our passionate."

Ban Ki-moon told the Security Council, HIV / AIDS threat still looms large in many conflict and post-conflict situations, often through abuse and exploitation of women.

"I call upon all Member States to link efforts to combat against sexual violence and women's rights struggle, HIV and AIDS," he said. "This means addressing the AIDS between the international drug trade, trafficking and sexual abuse of women, the risk of interactions. The problem is not getting the attention it deserves."

Efforts to join the regional partners, Member States and civil society, Ban Ki-moon said the ongoing work to maintain, the prevention and treatment in the countries affected by conflict, HIV / AIDS.

"We also need the ink dried on the agreement on movement and the guns fall silent," he said. "We need to help a fragmented community to prevent the spread of HIV. We must provide treatment to everyone who needs it."

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