
In Afghanistan killed two militants

Two insurgents were killed when Afghan and NATO-led forces launched a search operation Thursday night in country's Baghlan province 160 km north of capital city of Kabul, the NATO said Friday.
"A combined Afghan and coalition security force killed two insurgents and detained several suspected insurgents during a nighttime security operation to search for a Taliban leader in Baghlan-e Jadid district, Baghlan province, yesterday,"said a statement issued by NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) here Friday.
However, the statement did not provide details whether the targeted Taliban local leader was captured during the raid, saying the leader serves on the Baghlan-e Jadid district Taliban commission and previously led a group of 10 fighters.
"He also works with area commission members and other Taliban leaders to plan attack operations,"the statement said, adding that no civilians were armed during the operation.
Taliban militants, who announced on April 30 to start spring offensive against Afghan and NATO-led forces, have yet to make comments.

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