
Hackers post fake Tupac story on PBS website

 Hackers have cracked the website of U.S. public broadcaster PBS and posted a fake story claiming dead rapper Tupac Shakur was alive in New Zealand, media reports said Tuesday.
The hoax on the site of the PBS NewsHour program claimed the rapper was "alive and well in a small resort in New Zealand," citing "locals."
The story had been removed by Monday morning.
Tupac died in 1996 after being shot four times in Las Vegas.
A group claiming it was behind the hack had complained about last week's PBS Frontline investigation into Julian Assange's Wikileaks website.
The group, calling itself LulzSec, and The Lulz Boat on Twitter, claimed it had hacked the site.
One message said the group was "less than impressed" with the documentary, entitled Wikisecrets, about the leak of U.S. diplomatic cables to the WikiLeaks website.
PBS acknowledged the hack early Monday morning. David Fanning, executive producer of Frontline, said the attack on the PBS website was unusual but "probably not unexpected."

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