According to the Danish State Serum Institute (the NSI), 18 were confirmed as of Monday severe intestinal exposure to infections caused by bacteria. No new infections have been reported since Friday, it added.
Confirmed cases is said that there are 10 men and 23 to 81 years old 8-year-old woman. Seven renal failure symptoms, suggesting that with the later stages of infection.
Only one is considered to be infected with a virus infection, while in northern Germany, where the outbreak began in tourism, NSI's said.
So far, E. coli infection has claimed 21 in Germany, more than 2,100 confirmed and suspected cases reported of life. It also has spread to 12 countries by the World Health Organization (WHO).
"This particular strain of E. coli have been found scattered in the past some people, but it is not yet known to have been in the past eruptions,"a spokesman said Friday, adding it was a "very, very rare pressure. "
German health authorities now suspect as the source bean sprouts in this outbreak, although this has not yet been confirmed.
Dr. Kaare Moelbak of a national innovation system in the epidemiology told Danish media on Sunday, bean sprouts is a "very likely " sources of pollution.
Cucumber initially suspected and Denmark Food Authority continue to warn not to eat raw tomatoes from Germany, cucumber, lettuce, until the source was established.
Children are often the most vulnerable to E. coli infection, but most infections occur in the more than 20 years of age, Moelbak told reporters last week.
He said the possible outbreak of children less affected by this usually eat less than adults because of their salad.
In Germany, it is mainly women who have been infected. Moelbak explained that women tend to choose the infected skew eat more vegetables than men in the Danish media to comment on Thursday.
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