
Fiji urged farmers to plant more rice imports reduced

About 50 Department of Fiji on Wednesday the central farmers participated in Nas elai rice model, aimed at improving the country's imports, to reduce the cultivation of rice farms in the first of this year's rice production a training course.

The opening day of training, chief Agricultural Officer (Central) Peni Rika who stressed cooperation with the Government to revitalize the rice industry, the importance of farmers.

"Agriculture in the stand out in front of the Government's drive to revitalize the economy, so (Fiji) Ministry of Agriculture is working hard to ensure that we develop and maintain our agricultural sector, said," Rika.

He added: "We are trying to decrease from 40 million Fiji dollars (22.6 billion U.S. dollars), $ 35,000,000 per year to 2012, Fiji (19.7 million) in rice imports, which will require the combination of active participation in government, from everyone effort. "

Senior Agricultural Officer Joan Matawalu Rice also urged the current government which will focus on a few commodities in one of the next three years.

"We have been working to revitalize the rice industry, it should first try to persuade rice farmers," he said, adding that this is the first stage, the Government will be conducting additional training of farmers around the country.

According to Fiji's Ministry of Agriculture, the revitalization plan will include all existing rice irrigation scheme, account for all zones in the sugar cane plantations of rice, rice potential new areas, including encouraging private investment in irrigation and determined.

It also includes planting 700 from the existing farms, irrigated area, assist in site preparation of the farmers, rice farmers cooperatives, farmer training, strengthening the coordination with Reva Rice as the current purchase of 750 Fiji dollars per ton (423 U.S. dollars), from farmers empowerment throughout the country.

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