The total price for those securities is estimated at about 75.3 million U.S. dollars. And the closing date for bid is expected to occur on or about June 20, the Treasury said in a statement.
Those securities are comprised of the portion of loans guaranteed by SBA which finance a wide-range of small business needs, including working capital, machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures.
The U.S. government originally invested in 31 SBA securities with a value of about 368 million U.S. dollars, comprised of 1,001 loans from 17 different industries, said the department.
The government purchased the securities under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in order to help restart the flow of credit to small businesses. The SBA security market now has recovered with issuance volumes returning to pre-crisis levels.
The Association's latest U.S. government securities transfer act out the TARP. Since the beginning of this year, the U.S. government has sold faster recovery of TARP to pay its holdings of various assets.
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