All three indexes jumped nearly to 1 percent. The Dow Jones industrial average gained 119.51 points, or 0.96 percent, to 12,561.09. The Regular & Poor' s 500 was up 12.51 points, or 0.94 percent, to 1,343.48. The Nasdaq Composite Index rose 28.62 points, or 1.02 percent, to 2,825.48.
Investors cheered up on Monday as European Union might provide additional aid for Greece. While some of them still concerned about the Greek economy, which piled up with massive public debt.
Monday's optimism overcame the extra-weak house cost index. According to the Regular & Poor's/Case-Shiller 20-city index, residence prices in major areas have reached their lowest level since the housing bubble burst in 2006.
As of shares, basic material and energy stocks both surged over 1 percent, leading the market. Capital goods sector was also one of the best winners on Monday, jumping over 1 percent.
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