Argentina: Sergio Pezzotta (referee) and Ricardo Casas (assistant), Hernan Maidana (substitute-assistant) and Diego Bonfa (substitute-assistant)
Bolivia: Raul Orosco (referee) and Efrain Castro (assistant)
Brazil: Salvio Fagundes (referee) and Marcio Santiago (assitant)
Chile: Enrique Osses (referee) and Francisco Mondria (assistant)
Colombia: Wilmar Roldan (referee) and Humberto Clavijo (assistant)
Ecuador: Carlos Vera (referee) and Luis Alvarado (assistant)
Paraguay: Carlos Torres (referee) and Nicolas Yegros (assistant)
Peru: Victor Hugo Rivera (referee) and Luis Abadie (assistant)
Uruguay: Roberto Silvera (referee) and Miguel Nievas (assitant)
Venezuela: Juan Soto (referee) and Luis Sanchez (assistant)
Costa Rica: Walter Quesada (referee) and Leonel Leal (assistant)
Mexico: Francisco Chacon (referee) and Marvin Torrentera (assistant)
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