
MSF urges world govts step up the global fight against HIV / AIDS commitments

United Nations summit this week, ahead of AIDS, the international medical humanitarian aid association, MSF (MSF) doctors on Monday urged governments to strengthen the fight against HIV / AIDS commitments in the global struggle.
"We are at a crossroads, we can finally get ahead, really," Dr. Tido von Schoen Angerer, Médecins Sans Frontières' campaign for access to basic medical executive director, said in a press conference.
The three-day summit opening on Wednesday there will be about 20 heads of state and government meeting, and come together to review progress and chart the global AIDS in 2011, the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AIDS in New York in charge to respond to future courses.
Expected that the new statement will be adopted, it would reaffirm existing commitments and pledged to take action, direction and maintenance of the global fight against AIDS.
"We finally see the end of the tunnel, and the right actions can actually break the epidemic back to some of the light," von Schoen Angerer said. "However, we see that in the past few months and years, many governments have put on HIV / AIDS, the global counter-attack."
A landmark study of HIV prevention trials network (HPTN) conducted last month, said that HIV treatment has been proven to reduce HIV transmission 96 percent.
In particular, governments need to work to expand its latest research point of view, all people living with HIV treatment, MSF said in a press conference.
MSF also said that an ambitious HIV / AIDS treatment program objectives is essential.
"So this is the time this week, we hope the Government on how to deal with this epidemic, we have agreed - agreed to the resources, we need to do this, we also hope that the Government clearly recognize that intellectual property is a key obstacle barriers to ensure that drugs remain affordable. "
MSF currently provides antiretroviral treatment for 170,000 HIV / AIDS patients in 19 countries.

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